This is the Math Investigation Task question assigned to your group. You may click on the question for a full screen view and then click back to the blog view to begin contributing your ideas and thoughts in the comment section below this post.
I know that 1000g=1kg, so, you would have to divide 5500 by 1000 to convert it into kg, fertheremore, you would multiply the answer by 15, in additon, you will be able to see if Janet and John are able to bring all of their photography equitment. :) -Kyla
If you convert the limit (75kg)into g you will get 7500g. The mass of each item is 5500g, take that, in addition you multipy that by 15, and there you have it. :) -Kyla
Something I have thought of was we might have to consider the weight of the pilot and the two passengers John and Janet plus the weight of the cameras. jahkobi
Yes Salena that is true but this question does not provide how big the helicopters dimensions are for example. This question doesn't provide the helicopters length, hight , or width Jahkobi =@
I agree with Jahkobi. The question did not provide us with the the mass of the helicopter. The helicopter weighs alot, That's probably why John & Janet can only bring 75kg of equipment onto the helicopter.
Oh yeah I must have needed to get a little deeper into the question. But in my opinion i think it is our task to figure out all of the dimentions.I get it now.-Salena
That is true Jahkobi and Chloe, but you don't need the length, width, height, or mass to figure out the answer, however it may be interesting to see if the answer changes depending on the area of the helicopter. :0) -Kyla
Yes, that is right Jahkobi, you could divide to check your answer. Also it was a good idea for you to suggest that we may have to consider including the pilot as well as the passengers. Good thinking! :) -Kyla
I remenber learning this in class, to convert g into kg, you have to divid the number by 1000, in addition if you wanted to convert kg into g, you would multiply, doing the opisit of your fomula can help you to check your answer.:) -Kyla
This is a problem solving question so we should use, Info: What: Show: State: Using this stratige can help us to: understand the question and what we are expected to do, as well as show how we got that answer.:)-Kyla
i agree Kyla because the info, what, show, state and schema stratagie is quit simple and not very complicated unlike other math stratagies. nathaniel :)
Hmm...I think you would be right there Kyla :) But you do have to also consider the weight of the helicopter because like i said, that may be because you John & Janet can only use 75kg of equipment. :) Chloe
When we solved our question at school today, we learned that Janet and John are unfortunately not able to bring 15 pieces of photography equipment, however, they are able to bring 13, and still have some room left over. :) -Kyla
Wow, you guys did an awsome job! I really liked how you made sure all of your group members understood the question. Once you found out that one of them didn't, you went through it and made sure you did. That's a great strategy to use when doing group work. I also like how you applyed schema which we use in non-math related subjects and had that help. Kaiden
I know that 1000g=1kg, so, you would have to divide 5500 by 1000 to convert it into kg, fertheremore, you would multiply the answer by 15, in additon, you will be able to see if Janet and John are able to bring all of their photography equitment. :)
In my opinion, they have more than enough room for the items they want to bring because, 5500=50kg.-Salena
ReplyDeleteIf you convert the limit (75kg)into g you will get 7500g. The mass of each item is 5500g, take that, in addition you multipy that by 15, and there you have it. :)
One way to find the answer is to multiply 5500 by 15, ferthermore you would take that answer, then convert it into g. =)
That is a good idea Kyla another strategy we could use instead of multiplying is dividing, Which would lead to the inverse operation.
Something I have thought of was we might have to consider the weight of the pilot and the two passengers John and Janet plus the weight of the cameras.
Yes Salena that is true but this question does not provide how big the helicopters dimensions are for example. This question doesn't provide the helicopters length, hight , or width
I agree with Jahkobi. The question did not provide us with the the mass of the helicopter. The helicopter weighs alot, That's probably why John & Janet can only bring 75kg of equipment onto the helicopter.
ReplyDeleteChloe :o)
Oh yeah I must have needed to get a little deeper into the question. But in my opinion i think it is our task to figure out all of the dimentions.I get it now.-Salena
ReplyDeleteThat's right Salina, however you would still have to multiply 55g by 15, beause John and Janet wanted to bring 15 peices of equitment.:)
That is true Jahkobi and Chloe, but you don't need the length, width, height, or mass to figure out the answer, however it may be interesting to see if the answer changes depending on the area of the helicopter. :0)
Yes, that is right Jahkobi, you could divide to check your answer. Also it was a good idea for you to suggest that we may have to consider including the pilot as well as the passengers. Good thinking! :)
I belive that this question is about converting grams into kg.:)
I remenber learning this in class, to convert g into kg, you have to divid the number by 1000, in addition if you wanted to convert kg into g, you would multiply, doing the opisit of your fomula can help you to check your answer.:)
This is a problem solving question so we should use,
Using this stratige can help us to: understand the question and what we are expected to do, as well as show how we got that answer.:)-Kyla
We could also use all of our "schema" from our previous math lessons. :)
i agree Kyla because the info, what, show, state and schema stratagie is quit simple and not very complicated unlike other math stratagies. nathaniel :)
ReplyDeleteYes Nathaniel,they are really easy to use and help immensly, thats why I think they they will help use alot. :)
You are right Chloe, a helicopter does weigh a lot, however I think you are under estimating the weight of 75kg. :)
Hmm...I think you would be right there Kyla :) But you do have to also consider the weight of the helicopter because like i said, that may be because you John & Janet can only use 75kg of equipment. :)
When we solved our question at school today, we learned that Janet and John are unfortunately not able to bring 15 pieces of photography equipment, however, they are able to bring 13, and still have some room left over. :)
Wow, you guys did an awsome job! I really liked how you made sure all of your group members understood the question. Once you found out that one of them didn't, you went through it and made sure you did. That's a great strategy to use when doing group work. I also like how you applyed schema which we use in non-math related subjects and had that help. Kaiden